Saturday, April 5, 2008

Whats your Saturday like??

This morning I got up and looked at Studio piece #4 which is blocked in and on my easel. I like the color palette so far, but the composition lacked the "flow" I like to have....the lines that lead the viewer around the piece. Too many rigid objects all pointing out of the painting, so a little re-sketching is in order.
I used to hate this as there are always things in each start that I like, and I would really procrastinate over painting them out. But I do find that if keep pushing at it.....something unexpected, different, and really cool will happen. I don't give up on a piece....I can't......I keep thinking about it all the time until I solve the problems that are bothering me. So far so good. As for tomorrow...........I painted a wonderful wine glass into the piece....that needs to be moved, and tipped more. &^%**$#$ I've heard said that making a painting is just a process of fixing things. When they are all fixed, well you're done. Is it really that simple?? Thats my Saturday.
I'm debating over wether to post jpegs of the studio pieces I'm working on for my gallery submission.. We'll see. Later

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