Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Electronic Age

Re-doing my website the last few days. It gets out of date so fast, and takes a lot of time to keep current. I'm about half done now, and hope to finish it up by the end of the week. The new version will be more compact, and easier to navigate, and display a lot more art.
One question I always ponder is wether I should put retail prices up on the site for the purchase of my work. Do people get more interested after they know the price, or before? I have an email contact link on my site but have never gotten an I guess posting prices wouldn't scare anybody off would it?
Come May I am going to start contacting print maketers, to see if they might be any interest in publishing my work. The business end sure eats up my time, and I'm not really pushing on it as hard as I should.
Painted another beach scene this weekend..........the whole series will be posted on the "new" site soon.............keep watching. Later

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