Sunday, May 12, 2013

The highs an looooows

Wow,  just looked back at my last blog post, and my how things have changed.  I had worked my way up to selling a few florals every month in a prestigious gallery here in Hawaii and feeling pretty good about the way things were headed.  Then unexpectedly, the gallery closed, so I decided to make a major time and money investment, and enter the Marin art festival in CA, last June.  After investing upwards of $2,500 in shipping, transportation, lodging, and entry fees, we made a whopping $375 at the show.  MAJOR DOWNER.  Haven't painted since.
  So was the failure a curse or a blessing?  I have now turned my desire to create art towards sculpture, and more specifically paper mache.  I am also making what I want, instead of pressuring myself into trying to make things which should sell.  The paper mache is being received well in its limited exposure to public, so who knows where it will go.  I just know one thing..  Its really fun!

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