Wednesday, April 2, 2008

At Last

Another major revision on studio piece #3 has led to a wonderfully streamlined design that I am now happy with! The colors have settled in and I can finally bring this work to a finish. I paint in acrylics because I do so much "searching" on the canvas when I paint. This medium allows me the flexiblity to repaint, and not lose the freshness of the work. The colors never muddy, and the overlaying of drawings and color will lead to some wonderful "happy accidents" as I paint.

I stretched a blank canvas for piece#4 toady and I will begin work on it tomorrow. On we go.

Today I have to go into town, so I will take my sketching tools and try to capture some more beach images. The painting attached is another generated from my beach drawings.....I use these to learn how to paint fast and loose and to experiment with color. Later.

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