Sunday, February 24, 2019

Lips, and Scale pattern.

Put on the lips today and continued a keeled scale pattern I have started on the neck.  Cleaned the eyes so they are ready for eye lids. I also think I want to try a different scale pattern on the eye brows too........maybe a smaller, thinner scale.  Won’t be long till it’s time for paint.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Draggin my Feet....

  I started this piece last summer, and man is it taking a long time to finish.  My only concept when I started was I wanted it to be green, and I wanted it to be BIG.  Since I have never seen a real dragon, I am kinda feeling my way along trying to get something I like.  The hardest part for me by far is getting the eyes set evenly, as no one wants a Marty Feldman dragon.
  He's just about ready for scales, which I hope to do this week.
  How do you make one of get a copy of Dan Readers book on how to make them, and dive in.....least that's what I did.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

  This clip shows a brief step by step demonstration of my largest piece to date.  He was so big I had to finish him in the garage.  If I had a bigger house, I would make some bigger one yet!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch.......

   Anybody out there using a smart TV and streaming all your favorite shows?  Do you get that error message....."Timed Out, please retry"?  Guess that's what happened to me.  Now that I've rebooted....let's get on with the show!

 My new doggie sculpture here is called "Dirty Dog"  He's a paper mache, cloth mache creation made using the "Dan Reader Method". If you've got masking tape, a couple wire coat hangers and a small stack of newspapers, you could make a Dirty Dog too.  Or a Clean Dog.  Or any kind of doggie or creature you want.
  Next creature I start, I will include some in process shots, so you can see what they look like inside.  But for now, I'm back.......and living in California and making lots of cool stuff.  Stay Tuned.