I have been away from the studio for almost 3 weeks, and its nice to be home. While looking over some of my previous work, and thinking about what I might like to paint next, I was finding that I try really hard to paint things that "look like Hawaii". I mean beaches and palm trees, and ocean views....classic Hawaii. The problem with this is that the Big Island is not "classic Hawaii"...its rocks, and lava flows, grass lands and mountains. But I think......well who would want to own this kind of a landscape? And then I get stuck.....I get stuck because I try to paint things I think people would like to buy. So look for a little more rugged Hawaii in coming works, just because I like it, and not because I think it might sell, and we shall see what happens.
The piece I have here in the post is called "Trade Winds".........its an 8" x 10" and I tied to catch the breeze/wind that is always blowing here on the Big Island. I've also cut back a bit on the amout of colors on my palette, as the previous painting I posted seemed to get a bit hard to control color-wise. This piece still has the bang of color, with more unity. On we go!!